Pgyer internal test distribution service is a leading mobile application internal test distribution platform in China, dedicated to providing easy-to-use App internal test distribution services for mobile developers and test users.
Pgyer Developer Service Platform is committed to providing excellent upstream and downstream services for developers, addressing the various needs of developers throughout the developer life cycle.
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iOS 的应用在安装时,经常会遇到安装失败的情况,而安装失败的原因比较多,如果一个一个尝试,会比较耗时,而且经常无法准确判断出错原因。为此,蒲公英提供的 Mac OS 客户端中,集成了 iOS App 安装日志查看的功能,方便开发者快速定位安装问题所在。
蒲公英 Mac OS 客户端下载:
下载安装好蒲公英 Mac OS 客户端后,双击运行打开,然后点击 “查看”-“查看设备日志”
(或者按快捷键 Command+L
然后,将 iOS 设备使用数据线和电脑进行连接,即可看到窗口中显示出了大量的设备日志。
此时,开发者可以开始在手机上安装 App,窗口中就会实时显示出 App 的日志。通过在右上角的过滤器中输入install
或App 的 bundle id
可以更容易的查看到 App 安装失败的原因。如图所示:
例如,上图中,可以看到安装的日志中显示了 “Failed to verify code signature”,由此我们可以断定,是这个 App 的签名不正确导致了安装 App 失败。
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Check Pgyer's App Auditing , which must be viewed before uploading.
Currently, the real-name authentication has not been completed, and the number of downloads for each version is limited to 0 times/day, After real-name authentication, it can be extended to 2000 times/day
TestFlight is only available to Professional users.(Click understand pgyer's price plan)
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