Pgyer document center
Parameters | Name | Description |
_api_key | API Key | API Key,is used to identify the identity of users who called API. All of API are required this parameter unless otherwise stated. This value is fixed for the same Pgyer's registered users. Click here to get apiKey |
userKey | User Key | userKey, is used to identify the identity of the current user.This value is fixed for the same Pgyer's registered users. Click here to get user key |
appKey | App Key | App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
buildKey | Build Key | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application, which can be obtained by obtaining all versions of the App |
The example of PHP call interface(view apps on APPS):
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'type=ios&_api_key={_api_key}&page=1');
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo curl_error($curl);
$jsonData = json_decode($response, true);
You can upload your Apps to Pgyer via API. Please use the method HTTP POST when upload. enctype is "multipart/form-data".
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get apiKey |
file | File | (Required) ipa or apk files you need to upload |
buildInstallType | Integer | (Required)Type of Install, this value is (2,3), 2:Password, 3:Restrict. |
buildPassword | String | (Required) Setting App installation password. |
buildUpdateDescription | String | (Optional) Version updated description, please pass on an empty string or do not pass anything. |
buildName | String | (Optional) App name |
Parameters | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildIsFirst | Integer | Is it the first App? (1: Yes; 2: No;) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | Is it the newest? (1: Yes; 2: No;) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildDescription | String | Application Description |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildScreenShots | String | Application screenshots key, the address is[Application screenshots key] |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
buildQRCodeURL | String | App QR code Url |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildUpdated | String | App Update time |
Use the curl command to upload Apps under Linux:
curl -F "file=@/tmp/example.ipa" -F "_api_key={_api_key}"
Please replace your _api_key
This APl can only help you install App on mobile phones,Please use HTTP GET.
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get apiKey |
appKey | String | (Option, But buildKey and appKey can not be null at the same time) App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key), or you can enter the application short link |
buildKey | String | (Option, But buildKey and appKey can not be null at the same time) Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application, which can be obtained by obtaining all versions of the App |
buildPassword | String | (Required) Please pass on the installation secret when your App need one. |
Interface automatically use the appropriate installation method to install Apps based on the type of App, iOS or Android.{_api_key}&buildKey={buildKey}&buildPassword={buildPassword}
The interface of in-app installations for iOS which can help you to install App without opening browser. Interface Address:
change {buildKey}
to the Key of App.{} is not included.
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url={buildKey}">Install</a>
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url={buildKey}"]];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"{_api_key}&buildKey={buildKey}&buildPassword={buildPassword}"]];
This interface is to get app detailed information.
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | String | (Required) App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
buildKey | String | (Option) Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application, which can be obtained by obtaining all versions of the App |
Return parameters | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildIsFirst | Integer | Is it the first App? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | Is it the newest? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildDescription | String | Application Description |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildScreenShots | String | Application screenshots key, the address is[Application screenshots key] |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
buildQRCodeURL | String | App QR code Url |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildUpdated | String | App Update time |
Historical version return parameters | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildUpdated | String | App Update time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get apiKey |
userKey | User Key | (Required) userKey, is used to identify the identity of the current user.This value is fixed for the same Pgyer's registered users. Click here to get user key |
buildKey | String | (Required) Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application, which can be obtained by obtaining all versions of the App |
buildShortcutUrl | String | (Option) App Download Url |
buildPassword | String | (Required) Setting App Secret |
buildInstallType | Integer | (Required) Application installation method ( 2: password installation; 3: invitation installation; 4: answer problem installation;) |
buildPassword | String | (Required) install password when buildInstallType is 2) |
appInstallQuestoin | String | (optional) installation questoin (used with appInstallAnswer when buildInstallType is 4) |
appInstallAnswer | String | Installation answer (used with appInstallQuestoin when buildInstallType is 4) |
appIsInstallDate | Integer | (optional) Whether to set the validity period (1: yes; 2: no) |
appInstallStartDate | String | (optional) expiration start time (used when buildInstallDate is 1) |
appInstallEndDate | String | (optional) expiration end time (used when buildInstallDate is 1) |
appLang | Integer | (optional) Language setting (1: Chinese; 2: English; 3: Auto;) |
buildVersionType | Integer | (optional) Build version number setting (1: use dandelion generated Build version number; 2: use Build version number of the app itself;) |
appAutoSync | Integer | (optional) Whether to automatically synchronize app information (1: yes; 2: no;) |
appShowPgyerCopyright | Integer | (Optional) Whether to display dandelion copyright information on the installation page (1: yes; 2: no;) |
buildQrcodeShowAppIcon | Integer | (optional) Whether the QR code displays the app icon (1: yes; 2: no) |
appFeedbackStatus | Integer | (optional) Whether to enable feedback (1: yes; 2: no) |
buildTemplate | String | (optional) Set template (fillable values classic, fashion, gray, green, colorful) |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
Build Key | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildIsFirst | Integer | Is it the first App? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | Is it the newest? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildPassword | String | App Install Password |
buildVersion | String | The version number, the default is 1.0 (is the identifier used by the application to advertise to users, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.) |
BuildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is An integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
BuildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildDescription | String | Application Description |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildScreenShots | String | Application screenshots key, the address is[Application screenshots key] |
buildIsAcceptFeedback | Integer | Whether to turn on feedback (1: yes; 2: no) |
buildIsUploadCrashlog | Integer | Accept Crash(1: Yes; 2: No) |
buildTemplate | String | Template |
buildInstallType | Integer | Application installation method (2: password installation; 3: invitation installation; 4: answer problem installation;) |
buildManuallyBlocked | Integer | Is it blocked (1: yes; 2: no) |
buildIsPlaceholder | Integer | Whether it is an empty application (1: yes; 2: no) |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildUpdated | String | App Update time |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
isOwner | Integer | Whether it is your own application (1: yes; 2: no) |
isJoin | Integer | Whether it is a participating application (1: Yes; 2: No) |
appExpiredDate | String | app expiration |
appExpiredStatus | Integer | Whether it is about to expire (1: Yes; 2: No) |
otherApps | Array | Other Versions |
otherAppsCount | Integer | Versions |
todayDownloadCount | Integer | Downloads Today |
appKey | String | Key for app group |
appAutoSync | String | Whether it is a synchronous application market (1: yes; 2: no) |
appShowPgyerCopyright | String | Whether to display dandelion copyright (1: yes; 2: no) |
appDownloadDescription | String | Application Download Instructions |
appLang | String | Application Language (1: Chinese; 2: English; 3: Automatic;) |
appIsTestFlight | String | Whether it is a TestFlight application (1: yes; 2: no) |
appIsInstallDate | String | Is there a time limit for installation (1: yes; 2: no) |
appInstallStartDate | String | Installation start time |
appInstallEndDate | String | Installation End Time |
appFeedbackStatus | String | Whether to turn on feedback (1: yes; 2: no) |
isMerged | String | Whether merged (1: yes; 2: no) |
mergeAppInfo | Array | Merged application information |
canPayDownload | String | Is it possible to set up a paid installation (1: yes; 2: no) |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get apiKey |
userKey | User Key | (Required) userKey, is used to identify the identity of the current user.This value is fixed for the same Pgyer's registered users. Click here to get user key |
buildKey | String | (Required) Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application, which can be obtained by obtaining all versions of the App |
screenshot | file | (Option) App screenshots |
buildName | String | (Option) App Name |
buildShortcutUrl | String | (Option) App Download Url |
buildUpdateDescription | String | (Option,When value is null,update is null) Application Update Description |
buildDescription | String | (Option,When value is null,update is null) Application Description |
buildPassword | String | (Required) Setting App Secret |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildInstallType | Integer | (Required) Application installation method (2: password installation; 3: invitation installation; 4: answer problem installation;) |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildIsFirst | Integer | Is it the first App? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | Is it the newest? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildDescription | String | Application Description |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildScreenShots | String | Application screenshots key, the address is[Application screenshots key] |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildUpdated | String | App Update time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get apiKey |
appKey | String | (Option, But buildKey and appKey can not be null at the same time) App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
buildKey | String | (Option, But buildKey and appKey can not be null at the same time) Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
page | Integer | (Option) The pages of Historical version |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key is the only index ID that identifies the application |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
buildShortcutUrl | String | (Required) App short cut URL, such as , only need to pass parameters to PgY8. |
My Apps return parameters | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key of the latest Build |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildFileName | String | File name for uploaded app |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
buildIsFirst | Integer | Is it the first App? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildIsLastest | Integer | Is it the newest? (1:Yes 2: No;) |
buildDescription | String | Application Description |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
buildScreenShots | String | Application screenshots key, the address is[Application screenshots key] |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get API Key. |
page | Integer | (Optional) Fill in the digital pages |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
buildKey | String | Build Key of the latest Build |
buildType | Integer | Application Type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildFileSize | Integer | The size of App |
buildName | String | App Name |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
buildIdentifier | String | Application package name, iOS is Bundled , Android is package name. |
buildIcon | String | Icon Key of application, URL is[Icon Key of application] |
buildCreated | String | App Upload time |
appKey | String | App Key is a unique Key for An App group. |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | String | (Required) App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
buildVersion | String | (Option) The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | (Option) Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
buildVersion | String | The default is 1.0 (is the logo that to advertise the application, for example: 1.1, 8.2.1, etc.). |
buildVersionNo | String | The version number of the uploaded package, the default is 1 (that is, the compiled version number, in general, the compiler will change once the version number. For iOS, is a string type; for Android it is an integer. For example: 1001 , 28 etc.) |
buildBuildVersion | Integer | Pgyer's build number is generated for distinguishing historical versions |
downloadURL | String | App install url |
buildUpdateDescription | String | Application Update Description |
buildShortcutUrl | String | App Download Url |
You can set and find your App groups in My APPS - My Groups.
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
appGroupName | String | App Group name |
appGroupKey | String | App Group key (Uniquely) |
appGroupShortcutURL | String | the short cut URL of App Group |
appGroupDescription | String | the description of App Group |
appGroupCount | String | the amount of App Group |
appCreated | String | the creation time of App Group |
You can set and find your App groups in My APPS - My Groups.This interface returns the details of a App group and also returns the information of this group (Only for the latest version).
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appGroupKey | String | (Required) The key of App group. You can get it via appGroup/listAll interface. |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
appGroupName | String | App Group name |
appGroupKey | String | App Group key (Uniquely) |
appGroupShortcutURL | String | the short cut URL of App Group |
appGroupDescription | String | the description of App Group |
appGroupCount | String | the amount of App Group |
appCreated | String | the creation time of App Group |
apps | Array | Apps included in the App Group |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | String | (Required) App Key is a unique Key for An App group. For example, If an App named “Wechat” uploaded three versions and they were belong to an App group, App ID represents the group Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
page | Integer | (Option) Fill in the digital pages |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
feedBackContent | String | Feedback content |
feedBackImages | Array | Feedback information in the picture address |
feedBackVoice | String | Recording file address |
feedBackFrom | String | Feedback source |
feedbackProcess | Integer | Feedback processing status (1: processed; 2: untreated) |
feedBackCreated | String | Feedback creation time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | String | (Required) represents the only Key of an App group. For example, the name "weChat" App uploaded three versions, then the three versions of an App group, the parameters that the Group's Key. This value can be seen in the application management background. |
feedbackKey | String | (Required) The key of the feedback message can be obtained via the feedbackListAll interface |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
feedBackContent | String | Feedback content |
feedBackImages | Array | Feedback information in the picture address |
feedBackVoice | String | Recording file address |
feedBackDeviceName | String | Device name |
feedBackOSVersion | String | Phone system version |
feedBackOSType | Integer | Phone system type(1:iOS; 2:Android) |
feedBackOSJailBroken | Integer | Whether the phone jailbreak or ROOT (1: yes;2: no) |
feedBackFreeRam | String | The remaining memory size of the phone |
feedBackFreeSpace | String | The size of the remaining disk space on the phone |
feedBackNetwork | String | Mobile phone network |
feedBackSDKVersion | String | SDK Version |
feedBackFrom | String | Feedback source |
feedbackProcess | Integer | Feedback processing status (1: processed; 2: untreated) |
buildType | Integer | Application Type (1:iOS; 2:Android) |
buildName | String | App Name |
feedBackCreated | String | Feedback creation time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | App Key | (Required) represents the only Key of an App group. For example, the name "weChat" App uploaded three versions, then the three versions of an App group, the parameters that the Group's Key.(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
page | Integer | (Option) Fill in the digital pages |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
crashCount | Integer | Crash Count |
crashTitle | String | Crash Title |
crashPattern | String | Crash Pattern |
crashDescribe | String | Crash Description |
crashAppVersion | String | Crash App Version |
crashProcess | String | Crash Processing state |
crashId | Integer | CrashGroupId |
crashCreated | String | Crash Create time |
Parameters | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click here to get api key |
appKey | App Key | (Required) represents the only Key of an App group. For example, the name "weChat" App uploaded three versions, then the three versions of an App group, the parameters that the Group's Key .(Values shown in Application Details - Application Overview - App Key) |
crashId | Integer | (Required) sdkCrashGroupId, You can get some crash sdkCrashGroupId through the crashListAll interface |
Return parameter | Type | Description |
scrashLog | String | Crash Log |
scrashCount | Integer | Crash Count |
scrashTitle | String | Crash Title |
scrashPattern | String | Crash Pattern |
scrashDescribe | String | Crash Description |
scrashAppVersion | String | Crash App Version |
scrashIsSymbolicated | String | Crash Log Is symbolized |
scrashIsReaded | String | Crash Have read |
scrashProcess | String | Crash Processing state |
scrashViewStatus | String | Crash View status |
deviceAffectList | Array | Affect the equipment situation |
crashCreated | String | Crash Create time |
Parameter | Type | Description |
_api_key | String | (Required) API Key Click to get _api_key |
file | file | (required) certificate file |
password | String | (optional) Certificate Password |
parameters | Type | Description |
status | String | Certificate Status |
expired | String | Expiration |
name | String | Certificate Name |
explain | String | Certificate Status Detailed Explanation |
ErrorCode | Description |
1001 | _api_key can not be empty |
1002 | _api_key not found |
1003 | Synchronize user information to Tracup error message |
1007 | app search keyword is too short |
1008 | Build Key and appKey can not be empty at the same time |
1009 | App not found |
1010 | App Key can not be empty |
1011 | App Id empty |
1012 | User key can not be empty |
1013 | User can not be found |
1014 | Type can not be empty |
1015 | Invalid type |
1016 | Invalid packagename |
1017 | The shortcut URL is occupied or does not comply with the rules |
1018 | App remaining runs out. |
1019 | developers must be certified by the real name before they can publish App on the PGYER |
1020 | Uploading has been disabled due to a violation of PGYER\'s Terms and Conditions |
1021 | Data of file can not be empty |
1022 | Files size too large. |
1023 | build key can not be empty |
1024 | Incorrect publish range' |
1025 | File upload failed |
1026 | Invalid file, file type incorrect |
1027 | App name does not match the rule' |
1028 | The Bundle Identifier can not be found. |
1029 | App shortcut URL is used |
1030 | The number of business signatures issued exceeds the maximum value of the package |
1031 | The shortcut URL can not be empty |
1032 | The shortcut URL is invalid |
1033 | You are only allowed to modify your uploaded app' |
1035 | Update field exceeds limit |
1036 | The update content must not be empty |
1037 | Please upload the image as an array' |
1038 | Image data is empty' |
1039 | App screenshot can upload more than 5 |
1040 | Screenshots failed to upload' |
1041 | iKey not found' |
1042 | Content can not be empty |
1043 | The content length of feedback can not more than 2000 words. |
1044 | Add comment error |
1045 | Invalid UserID |
1047 | The app is fee download, please use the phone to install. |
1048 | The app has been expired |
1049 | App download remaning runs out. |
1050 | Password is incorrect |
1051 | App is blocked |
1052 | The app provider is not authenticated and you can not download the app. |
1053 | Sorry, download is too fast, please try again later. |
1054 | Sorry, Today\'s download has been used, please try again tomorrow. |
1055 | Invalid api key |
1056 | Please open this link on iOS System. |
1057 | signature App Publish To Pgyer param error |
1058 | Decode app info error') |
1059 | The deprecated method! |
1060 | Please enter your email |
1061 | Please enter your password |
1062 | Username or password is incorrect |
1063 | E-mail address already exists, please change the email address |
1064 | Please enter your username |
1065 | The length of the user name must be less than 15 |
1066 | Please enter your phone number |
1067 | Please enter your company |
1068 | Please enter your position |
1069 | Phone number already exists, please change phone number |
1070 | code is required. |
1071 | code is expired. |
1072 | The email address does not exist |
1073 | Please enter the correct information |
1075 | App group key can not be empty |
1076 | App key is not correct |
1079 | voice upload failed |
1080 | feedback error |
1081 | error request |
1082 | Feedback Key can not empty |
1083 | Feedback info can not found |
1084 | Log can not be empty |
1085 | OS type is not correct |
1086 | crash id can not be empty |
1087 | crash info not found |
1088 | Log can not be empty |
1089 | Get platform parameters can not be empty |
1090 | platform parameters is windows or mac |
1091 | Version parameter is incorrect |
1092 | Version Information Not Found |
1093 | No information found |
1094 | app group key not found |
1095 | app name too long |
1096 | Unknown method |
1097 | signature error |
1098 | Api request has reached the upper limit per hour |
1099 | Update App failed |
1100 | Not found app group info |
1102 | Please enter your email verification code |
1103 | The verification code you entered is incorrect |
1104 | The email address you entered is invalid |
1105 | This account already exists |
1106 | The real name must be less than 15 |
1107 | Please fill in the password |
1108 | Please fill in your cellphone number correctly |
1109 | Please enter your 6 digit verification code |
1110 | Registration failed |
1111 | Please enter your account |
1112 | This mobile number binds many accounts, please log in using the password |
1113 | Please fill in your email address |
1115 | user does not exist |
1116 | Incorrect phone number or password |
1117 | Incorrect email address or password |
1118 | Please enter phone number |
1120 | Each time you send a text message, the interval must be more than 30 seconds |
1121 | Verification failed |
1122 | User info can not match |
1123 | App stat type error |
1124 | invalid authorization code |
1125 | No account binding |
1126 | email not change |
1127 | email is exists |
1128 | have no permission |
1129 | This account is bound to WeChat |
1130 | password can not be empty |
1131 | Please enter your password again |
1132 | The two passwords do not match. Please try again |
1133 | JSCode can not be empty |
1134 | JSCode is invalid |
1122 | User info can not match |
1123 | App stat type error |
1124 | invalid authorization code |
1125 | No account binding |
1126 | email not change |
1127 | email is exists |
1128 | have no permission |
1129 | This account is bound to WeChat |
1130 | password can not be empty |
1131 | Please enter your password again |
1132 | The two passwords do not match. Please try again |
1133 | JSCode can not be empty |
1134 | JSCode is invalid |
1135 | license file not found |
1136 | delete license file failed |
1137 | upload image file failed |
1138 | File limit exceeded |
1139 | maximum of 2 image can be uploaded by a single type |
1140 | add license file failed |
1141 | transaction type can not be empty |
1142 | Current version cannot be hidden |
1143 | encryptedData and iv can not be empty |
1144 | Please set the installation start and end time |
1145 | Installation end time must be greater than start time |
1148 | Please upload ID card front photo |
1149 | Please upload the reverse photo of the ID card |
1150 | Please upload a photo of the handheld ID |
1151 | Business name cannot be empty |
1152 | Business license number cannot be empty |
1153 | Please upload a business license photo |
1154 | Provinces cannot be empty |
1155 | The city cannot be empty |
1156 | The number of automatic audits on the day has been exhausted |
1157 | Automated Review Failed |
1158 | Pictures can't be larger than 10M |
1159 | Pictures can't be smaller than 15k |
1160 | Image type is incorrect |
1161 | fileType cannot be empty |
1162 | Name cannot be empty |
1163 | Description cannot be empty |
1164 | appKeys cannot be empty |
1165 | Description text is too long |
1166 | Group Name Does Not Meet Rules |
1167 | Grouped applications, at least two |
1168 | URL suffix cannot be empty |
1169 | New and old numbers can't be the same |
1170 | Mobile Number Error |
1171 | Real name cannot be empty |
1172 | ID number cannot be empty |
1173 | Real name does not match |
1174 | ID number does not match |
1175 | Release time cannot be empty |
1176 | Please enter the correct release time |
1177 | Failed to get application information |
1178 | Application Type cannot be empty |
1179 | Cannot merge blank applications |
1180 | Applications have been merged |
1181 | Please merge iOS apps |
1182 | Please merge Android apps |
1183 | Must be your own application |
1184 | Cannot merge with myself |
1185 | Icon already exists unequal upload icon |
1186 | Application not released |
1187 | Please upgrade your package and renew |
1188 | error |
1189 | Temporarily unable to change files |
1190 | Please upload game text |
1191 | Please upload ICP license |
1192 | Please upload Software copyright registration certificate |
1193 | Please upload Business license |
1194 | Please upload financial license |
1195 | Please upload other license |
1196 | Please upload related qualifications |
1197 | Please upload information network dissemination of audiovisual program license |
1198 | Please re-upload the file that does not pass the review |
1199 | The number of related files does not match |
1200 | The reason for the appeal cannot be less than 20 characters, not more than 500 characters. |
1201 | The appeal image cannot be larger than 5 |
1202 | Cannot delete all versions, if you want to delete the app, you can delete it in the settings |
1203 | Cannot delete all displayed versions |
1213 | Only iOS app certificate detection is supported |